About Us

The education provision and the labour market all over Europe have been severely affected by the global pandemic, which increased the demand for online learning on a very large scale and significantly burdened the digital skills of VET tutors. Research shows that one of the most important factors influencing the quality of education is ongoing professional development of teachers and educators, who are key actors in providing access to employment opportunities and vital to the professional development of young entrepreneurs. In a “socially distant” reality where digital education undermines the return to a formal education and where innovative businesses are essential to make EU’s economy sustainable, it is crucial for us to support VET tutors facing these new challenges. The AGILITe project aims to build the digital competences and the entrepreneurial spirit as well as an understanding of the principles of circularity within the VET sector to ensure that the climate targets of “The European Green Deal” are achieved. A combination of interactive infographics and EduZines designed for remote and on-the-spot learning are developed by partners as a demonstration of educational innovation in action in today’s digital era.

Learning Materials


AGILITe DigCompEdu based in-service training programme

The AGILITe DigCompEdu based in-service training programme comprises 6 EduZines and offer 24 hours of face-to-face instruction supplemented by and 15 hours of self-directed learning and focuses on building the key digital competences of VET tutors.


AGILITe EntreComp based in-service training programme

The AGILITe EntreComp based in-service training programme comprises 5 EduZines and offer 20 hours of face-to-face instruction supplemented by and 15 hours of self-directed that will help VET tutors develop an entrepreneurial mindset.


AGILITe European Green Deal in-service training programme

The AGILITe European Green Deal in-service training programme comprises 8 EduZines and offer 32 hours of face-to-face instruction supplemented by and 18 hours of self-directed that will help build an understanding of the principles of circularity within the VET community.


AGILITe MOOC & Community of Practice

The MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) provides VET tutors and businesses all over Europe with open access to all the resources developed to ensure a successful training intervention can be achieved


The AGILITe project is brought to you by a team of eight expert partners from eight European countries including; Ireland, Spain, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Germany, Norway, Portugal and Romania. Together partners will use their knowledge and expertise in a collaborative environment to successfully implement the project goals.


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The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2020-1-IE01-KA226-VET-082937
