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The education provision and the labour market all over Europe have been severely affected by the global pandemic, which increased the demand for online learning on a very large scale and significantly burdened the digital skills of VET tutors. Research shows that one of the most important factors influencing the quality of education is ongoing professional development of teachers and educators, who are key actors in providing access to employment opportunities and vital to the professional development of young entrepreneurs. In a “socially distant” reality where digital education undermines the return to a formal education and where innovative businesses are essential to make EU’s economy sustainable, it is crucial for us to support VET tutors facing these new challenges.

About Us
The AGILITe project aims to build the digital competences and the entrepreneurial spirit as well as an understanding of the principles of circularity within the VET sector to ensure that the climate targets of “The European Green Deal” are achieved. A combination of interactive infographics and EduZines designed for remote and on-the-spot learning are developed by partners as a demonstration of educational innovation in action in today’s digital era.

Learning Materials
IO1 - AGILITe DigCompEdu based in-service training programme
The teaching professions face rapidly changing demands, which require a new, broader and more sophisticated set of competences than before. The ubiquity of digital devices and applications, in particular, requires educators to develop their digital competence. The AGILITe DigCompEdu based in-service training programme comprises a Toolkit of 6 EduZines and offers face-to-face instructions and self-directed learning activities focused on building the key digital competences of VET tutors.
IO2 - AGILITe EntreComp based in-service training programme
As the key intermediaries where entrepreneurship training is concerned, VET tutors have a pivotal role to play in stimulating entrepreneurial activity. Building an entrepreneurial spirit within the ranks of VET provides is an important step towards successful entrepreneurship education. The AGILITe EntreComp based in-service training programme comprises a Toolkit of 5 EduZines and offers face-to-face instructions and self-directed learning activities focused on helping VET tutors develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
IO3 - AGILITe European Green Deal in-service training programme
The generic concept of circular economy has been refined by different schools of thought, such as cradle-to-cradle, performance economy, biomimicry, industrial ecology, natural capitalism, blue economy and regenerative design. From these disciplines, the key principles of the circular economy have emerged. The AGILITe European Green Deal in-service training programme comprises a Toolkit of 8 EduZines and offers face-to-face instruction and self-directed learning activities that will help build an understanding of the principles of circularity within the VET community.
IO4 - AGILITe MOOC and Community of Practice
The MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) will be hosting all the complete in-service package developed within the AGILITe project providing VET tutors and business all over Europe with open access to digital learning materials remotely via internet. Anyone, from anywhere in the world, can scan the QR code on the interactive infographics and immediately access the educational resources developed. A Community of Practice is also integrated into the MOOC, where learners can engage and mutual benefit from exchanging and learning from other’s experiences.
Our Partners

Future in Perspective Ltd. is a private company based in the border region of Ireland specialising in the areas of education and e-learning, media production, strategic planning and business development and evaluation. Through our work on national and EU funded projects, we have engaged and supported local youth groups, migrant communities, older persons, and individuals who have been absent from education to re-engage with service providers and mainstream education and training offerings. FIP also have collaborated with young people and adults to deliver a range of diverse programmes in the areas of media production and career management – supporting the next generation of creative individuals to build and sustain successful careers in the sector. Future in Perspective is a modern business that is structured to reflect the current business reality. It operates in an ecosystem made up of ever-changing partnerships and alliances. FIP have a core staff of 12 highly skilled experts in complementary disciplines that include project management, media production and design, instructional design and e-learning, youth development and research and general administration.

Postal 3 is an entity dedicated to the training, design and development of training resources, and project consulting, whose services to public and private organizations in Spain, Europe and America have achieved remarkable success and growth over the past two decades.
Postal 3 has five work or training centers in Spain, as also 15 associated centers across Spain. Postal 3 employs 48 permanent staff like technicians, managers, and support personnel in their regional offices, further trainers and teachers, until 300 workers that collaborate with them each year. This work model integrates engineers, computer scientists, designers, pedagogues, philologists, administrators, economists, and an extensive catalogue of researchers and teaching experts in the most of the areas of knowledge linked to the improvement of basic and work competences, as in disadvantaged groups support. Postal 3 form around 15.000 trainees in more than 400 courses per year, regularly carrying out multiple projects to improve the skills of young people and young workers in Spain. In this way Postal 3 has as regular clients several Ministries of the Spanish Government, and several governments of different Spanish states; in addition to numerous municipalities, sector associations, business groups, small and medium enterprises, or large companies and multinationals across Spain.

Callidus - ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih
Callidus – Institute for Adult Education is accredited institute for adult education by The Ministry of Science and Education in Croatia and has a branch Institute in Moldova. As an Institute we have created numerous educational programmes in the areas of management, personal development, marketing, sales, tourism, gastronomy, finance, business economics, and construction. Over the past years, Callidus has built sound expertise in project management and has been actively involved in strategic design, operational creation and successful implementation of numerous projects funded by the EU totalling over EUR 11 million. We possess extensive experience and know-how in writing tender documentation and seeking financial resources which resulted in a successful completion of a dozen ADA, IPA, ESF and Erasmus + projects.

The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI was founded back in 1989 and today it is one of the leading Vocational Training Institutes in Greece providing post-secondary education, with more than 37.500 m2 of infrastructure in various cities in Greece, including one of the most highly profiled Campuses in the Country. Every year, approx. 15,000+ active students are enrolled with the aim to study one of the 107 specialties offered in 5 cities across Greece: Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Crete, Larissa.

‘Emphasys Centre’ was established in 1998 and is operating as a highly successful ‘Education, ICT Training (VET) and Research Centre, approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (MOECYS). Emphasys is adequately staffed by 12 F/T and 4 P/T committed and highly qualified professionals, both researchers and teachers, with extensive experience in thematic areas relevant to the organisation’s expertise covering a wide range of areas such as IT, Computer Science, Business, Psychology, Sociology, Logistics, Graphic Design, Architecture etc. Emphasys is fully equipped with modern facilities that includes 2 lab rooms, big conference area, 8 offices and top of the range technology to support the needs of an IT training centre: such as interactive boards, 70 inches’ flat screen TV, gaming laptops, tablets, Virtual Reality equipment (Oculus Rift S), Craftbot+ 3D Printer, a selection of robots (e.g. Edison, Lego Boost, Lego Mindstorm, Arduino, Engino) etc.

Skills Elevation FHB
Skills Elevation FHB, Germany, was established in 2019 by a range of educators, environmentalists, and academics, with the aim of providing alternative educational methodologies. FHB work extensively to provide support and education for marginalised groups, especially with regards to their social, emotional, and cognitive developments. FHB have three main areas of focus; the development of new pedagogic approaches, the development of training materials for marginalised adults and conducting research into social psychology, business, and education.

FØNIX (FONIX) is the largest company within the vocational rehabilitation market in Norway. Our main office is in Sandefjord, Norway, (120 km south of Oslo) supporting 11 regional offices in the county of Vestfold. FONIX has approx. 200 employees – mostly certified trainers and instructors / teachers. FONIX are an NGO and organized as a limited company (AS), but act as a non-profit organization through our formal approval as supplier to the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Service (NAV). FONIX is 100% owned by the municipality of Sandefjord. Sandefjord is the 8th largest city in Norway with approximately 65.000 inhabitants. Our formal approval as supplier to NAV (The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) requires that owners cannot take out dividends, and that all profits will benefit the users of the enterprise. In this setting, FONIX serves an important role for the community and public authorities regarding vocational rehabilitation. At any time during the year, this service includes approximately 2.000 learners / jobseekers and approximately 300 migrants / language learners. In 2019, more than 1.200 people got a job through FONIX.

ISQ is a private, non-profit and independent technological institution founded in 1965, currently running operations in more than 40 countries across the world (EU, Eastern Europe, Africa, Americas and Asia), offering its experience in technical inspections, technical assistance for engineering projects, consultancy services and Human Capital development, including Lifelong Learning and VET training, supported by transversal research and development activities and by 17 accredited laboratories (e.g.: chemical, bio and agro testing, non-destructive testing, Aerospatiale, materials and nanotechnology, electronics, additive manufacturing, IoT and IT etc.). For that purpose, ISQ conducts also a Research and Innovation activity (R&Di), promoting projects with national and international partners, both from the public and private sector, aiming at a continuous product, services and process development.

FUNDATIA Professional Foundation is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit foundation, established in 1998 with a view to promoting high quality in education, intercultural tolerance and appreciation, life-long learning, human rights, social inclusion, fight against gender stereotypes and discrimination. It promotes: gender equality and equity, networking at local and international levels, European cooperation. ProF is approved and accredited by the Ministry of Education for the section “Continuing Education” Ord.no. 3133/04.02.2000 It is a member of QUEST (The Romanian Association for Quality Language Services) which is an associate member of EAQUALS (The European Association for Quality Language Services). It is also a member of ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) as it upholds the human dignity and well-being of women including children and migrant women.
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